Make good stuff happen for people, business and nature 

 Our home is sick. Nature and ecosystems have been degraded, polluted and temperatures continue to rise. Irreversible damage has happened and catastrophic damage will continue to happen if we continue with business as usual .

Society’s operating system is corrupted. Decades of pursuing a single ‘most important’ measure - profit - has left communities ravaged, the natural beauty and balance of the world decaying and created a society so unequal that 1% of the world's population now owns 50% of its wealth.

We have the power to imagine and create a better world -  A low carbon, regenerative economy, with a society that is inclusive, equal and collaborative [1] where the value you create is justly rewarded and people are healthy and content.

Every single one of us can and must contribute to the change we need to see in the world. But how?

It starts with thinking differently not in a traditional singular way, driven only by profit as a result, but more broadly (like a circle) about every way your business is connected to people and nature. 

Once this happens, the potential for you to have a positive material impact (like an explosion - boom!) can be realised. The ripple of your ‘explosion’ will have far reaching positive impact, more than you could ever have imagined possible in your business and beyond. This is a ‘BoomCircle’

Everybody has the power to think differently, tap their potential by finding their BoomCircle and make their most powerful contribution to helping food and arming be a force for change/good.

Need help finding your BoomCircle. Check out our spark programme and book a discovery call to find out more.

[1] Collaboration and compassion is the defining feature of human beings, not competition (as the current operating system might lead you to believe).